The best thing that can ever happen to a Presentation

I spent a little time this evening catching up on the Sunday morning talk shows (via DVR, of course). I watched the various pundits debate the pickle the Republicans now find themselves in due to tropical storm Isaac deciding to attend their convention. Previously scheduled to start Monday, this four day affair has now been “condensed” to just three days.

Oh no! What to do? How can we possibly squeeze four days of discussion into three?

I’m not joking in the least when I say: this is the BEST possible scenario for the GOP. Any time you are forced to shorten a presentation, you are better off. It’s amazing how we always see less time as curse. Yes, it takes effort to shave and whittle down your message, but it’s almost always better as a result.

For your next presentation, pretend Isaac is coming. Lop 25% off your presentation, just as the Republicans are doing now. You’ll think more intensely about what really matters, form a more direct message, and be less rushed in your delivery. And you’ll most certainly exceed the expectations of the audience, who will thank you for the time you’ve given back to them.

My guess is this week’s convention will earn high marks, certainly higher than expected. Few, if any, will attribute this to the loss of Monday, but it WILL be a key reason.

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